我公司成立于1982年,至今已有二十余年之久,是全国最早和全省首家将应力波技术引入市场的专业基桩检测公司,拥有先进的检测设备和较强的技术人员以及丰富的检测经验。 早在上世纪八十年代我公司就从美国引进了当时国际上最先进PDA-PAK型检测系统,配备计算桩基承载力的软件分析系统,以及用于检测桩身完整性的美国设备PIT。我公司还拥有目前国内最重的高应变检测用锤(20T),可验证2000T以上的单桩极限承载力的大型桩基。此外我公司还配备1.2T、2T、3T、5T、8T、13T、18T的各种重锤用于检测各种类型的桩基。近年来又开拓了超声波检测新技术。引进的NM-4B系列超声检测分析仪可应用超声脉冲检测技术进行无损检测。 近年来我公司与香港工程质量检测中心合作,联合开展高层建筑红外线外墙贴面,防水渗漏,地面雷达探测地下管线,及道桥和结构安全检测等业务。 我公司的技术负责人为魏汝龙教授级高工、博士生导师,原《中国岩土力学学报》主编,是我国岩土工程界知名专家,对桩基检测有着丰富的经验。除魏教授外,我公司还拥有三位岩土工程博士以及一批具有丰富经验的中青年检测工程师,是提供优质服务的技术保障。 我公司是全省最早取得静载,高、低应变检测资质单位之一,拥有建设部和江苏省建设厅颁发的全国和全省桩基检测资质证书,也是本市首家通过MA计量认证的桩基检测单位,从系统上保证了仪器设备处于良好状态、参数符合要求和检测数据的公正、科学、客观性。 我公司引进的PDA-PAK型桩基检测系统具有以下优点 一、不仅能满足基桩设计的技术要求提供单桩极限承载力,且能提供桩侧不同土层的阻力分布和桩端阻 力以及模拟静载试验的荷载位移曲线。 二、在重锤激发下能更有效地检测桩身完整性,更准确地发现桩身中可能存在的断桩、扩径、缩径、夹 泥、离析等缺陷,提供桩身砼标号,桩底沉渣等方面的数据,并能定位、定性、定量地给出以上各 种缺陷对桩基承载力方面的影响程度。 三、能大大缩短试桩工期,为建设单位赢得宝贵的时间。 四、检测费用低廉。 十余年来我公司共已检测高应变桩基叁万余根,低应变检测桩基拾万余根,以及用超生波技术检测直径超过1.5米、桩长超过50米的特大型桩基2000余根,其中重要工程有百余项。 由我公司检测的省水利厅办公大楼荣获国家鲁班奖。此外对扬子石化、苏州工业园区、南化大化肥京阳水泥厂、沪宁高速公路、宁杭高速公路、亚东水泥厂、海螺水泥厂等标志性的特大型工程的基桩检测得到建委及业主的好评。 我公司与国内外的科研单位和学术团体保持固定联系,探讨引进国际上更先进的检测技术,在技术上达到精益求精。 本公司主要经营项目: 1、 静载试验:加荷吨位<10000kN; 2、 基桩高应变动力(曲线拟合法)检测; 3、 基桩低应变动力(发射波法)检测; 4、 基桩声波透射法检测(超声波法); 5、 工程沉降观测; 6、 边坡支护检测及基桩监测; 董事长:朱村夫 总经理:顾欣 电话:025-86643435、84451687、84414768 传真:025-86645619 地址:南京市玄武区如意里三号7楼 邮编:210018
Brief on Nanjing Xianke Geotechnical Engineering and Foundation Testing Co.Ltd.
Nanjing Xiangke Geotechnical Engineering and Foundation Testing Co.Ltd.(Xianke) was established in 1982. It was the pioneer corporation that introduced the Strain Wave technology into Chinese testing market. A rich human resource of technicians combined with twenty years experience and advanced instruments have made the corporation a successful professional one in the foundation testing field. Back to the 1980's, Xianke imported a most advanced testing system of the time. PDA-PAK system and the analysis software for foundation loading capacity test as well as foundation integrity testing system,PIT from USA. All those systems together with a 20T hammer,the heaviest one over China, for high strain test enable Xianke to expand its work limit on pile loading capacity test up to 2000T in one single pile. Xianke is also equipped with 1.2T,2T,3T,5T,8T,13T, and 18T.hammers capable for various test appliacations. Meantime its imported ultrasonic testing and analysis techniques from abroad in the past few years has made it possible for nondestructive testing. Xianke is proud of its brain resources. Professor Wei Rulong, a senior engineer and supervisor for doctor degree students,an former editor of the journal for China Rock and Soil Mechanics,well known in the field of rock and soil mechanics and rich in experience in pile foundation test, is the technical director of Xianke.Besides,Xianke is joint by three other technicians with Ph.D degree in Sock and Soil Engineering and many young an mid aged technicians.All those people assure quality services and technical supports. Xianke was among the first group qualified for high and low strain test and obtained the Pile and Foundation Test Qualification issued by Ministry of Construction and Jiangsu Construction Bureau in China. And it was the first corporation possessing the China Metrology Accreditation (MA)that guarantees a good condition of equipment and scientific,fair and objective data outcomes. In the past twenty years, Xianke provided services to more than thirty thousand piles for high strain test and a hundred thousand piles for low strain test as well as more than two thousand piles with more than 50 meters in length and 1.5 meters in diameter with ultrasonic equipment for more than a hundred major projects. Among those major projects were Yanzte Petrochemical Plant project,Suzhou Industrial Zone Project,Nanjing Chemical Fertilizer Plant Project, Jingyang Cement Plant Project, Nanjing Shanghai Super high way, Nanjing Hangzhou super high way projects etc. The project of office building of Jiangsu Water Conservation and Irritation Bureau gained a Luban National Award, to which Xianke provide foundation test service. Xianke maintains steady connections with research institutes at home and abroad pursuing the most advanced technology over the world and improving its techniques. Xianke warmly welcomes contacts.
Director of BOD: Zhu Cunfu General Manager and Chief Engineer: Guxin Deputy Manager: He Baohua |